The Importance of Communicating with your Child

Communications is an important aspect of every child’s education which parents should help their child develop early. It is necessary for the child to be able to express what he or she thinks, feels, and wants. Children have concerns that sometimes go unexpressed with their parents because they do not know how. When these things are kept to themselves things, this can cause anxiety, depression, even traumas.

Throughout their life, children always need the support and love of parents, regardless of their age. The establishment of cordial and respectful communication between children and parents creates a positive atmosphere at home that is an integral part of their education and development. Children that develop good communication skills, also learn social skills that will help them be successful.

We live in the era of information and technology, and even though technology has an essential role in our personal and professional lives, it can never take the place of parents. Nowadays, children spend hours with their devices and do not spend quality time with parents and other family members. How can parents develop communication skills in their children if they do not talk daily?

The answer is dedication. Dedicate time to your children every day during dinner, before bedtime, in the morning: find a way to talk to your children. A few minutes sharing your day with them and vice versa will make an incredible difference in your child’s ability to communicate, and ultimately, in their ability to learn.

How parents can help their children develop communications skills

We, parents, are the first teachers of our children. We give them their first sounds, their first words, their first steps in life. The responsibility to begin developing strong communication skills in our children begins with us. These simple tips will help get you started.

  • Always speak clearly to your child.
  • Music helps to develop language, teach your child simple songs.
  • Read before bedtime and then talk about the story. Ask your child questions about the story.
  • Talk about a weekend experience and ask your child what he or she enjoyed the most and why.
  • Take your child to the library or a museum and expose them to different environments that will lead them to ask questions.